Last modified: [04/11/2015]

Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect and use your personal information in "Empire Stickman" (hereinafter, the "Game").

The Game only collects personal information that you provide when accessing voluntarily.

A. What personal information is collected by the Game?

1: Id device
2: Email, nickname and password

B. When we collect your information?

The information in point 1 are only collected if you decide to log in to the game as a guest.
The information point 2 are only collected if you choose to log into the game with a account of Yamuir,
the game will show you a form to create a new account if you do not have, you decide to fill or not.

C. Does your collected information by the game is disclosed to third parties?

We do not sell, we do not share and we do not transfer your information.
All information is provided in the game is only used to enhance your Yamuir user experience.

If you have questions about this policy or if you want to remove your information from the database,
please contact us to